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Cousinly Giving, Part Two

January 10, 2010

Here’s Cousin Will, looking almost Sweeney Todd esque? I don’t know but the coloring of the picture combined with his Dickenesque scarf has me thinking of a Tim Burton flick. He’s demonstrating how to play the miniature guitar I made for him out of my fav forever gingerbread recipe.

Poor guy. He’s always been the lone dude in a family full to the brim with girls. I decided it would be wrong to give him a girlie sock monkey and wrong for me to make him an OU logo (no way!) so I thought I’d make him something that he’d like, a guitar. If you don’t know him, you should know this — he’s a big music guy. Plays all kinds of instruments and knows an intimidating truckload of info about musicians and the local music scene.
I think he liked it, as much as a twentysomething guy can like a Christmas ornament.
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