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Screen Saver

December 14, 2009

Lately I’ve been finding more and more reasons to exercise the old sewing machine. I’m not going to lie, back in September when my coworker when my coworker said my hems looked like they’d been done by Helen Keller, I was inspired to get better at sewing.
Don’t get me wrong, I love this little flat screen monitor that serves as my substitute TV. It’s the bestest way to watch movies and baseball games and the occasional TV show from (Why is Parks and Recreation so amazingly hilarious? The whole cast is awesome.) However, I didn’t like the way the screen looked, so sleek and gadgety just sitting out on my tabletop.
And when I saw this fabric at the fabric warehouse on Harry Hines for, like, fifty cents a yard, I couldn’t pass it up. It’s perfect. Trust me, if you are a regular blog follower, you’ll see this fabric being used in all kinds of ways (at $0.50 a yard, I bought enough to do many many crafts!). This project must be the easiest ever though. I measured the size of the screen, cut the fabric, hemmed the bottom edge (no Helen Keller here thanks) and sewed the two sides together. Easy breezy beautiful cover girl.
One Comment leave one →
  1. December 30, 2009 1:05 am

    helen keller joke + ridiculous craft = a good one.

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