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Button Upgrade, Once More

December 16, 2008

I got this cute little jacket/blazer thing at a ritzy boutique in the West Village for a business trip to California last year. And sadly, the buttons came off the jacket a little too quickly to call the thing high quality. But alas, I’m not here to be a garment inspector or a clothing critic. I’m just here to tell you about this sewing upgrade. Do you think I’ve been in a sewing mode lately? It’s a little ridiculous. I hate pulling out all the supplies so when I made Mr. Gingerbread man, I sewed everything else I could think of so I could put away the machine and the rest of the pins, threads, needles, and assorted other bits and bobs. This is, I believe, the last thing I’ve got to report on of this nature for a while. Whew! A girl gets tired of these kinds of projects. Sewing is my mommy’s game, not mine.
Anyhow, back to this blazer thing… so (or should I be punny and say “sew”) I got to delve into the aforshown bowls of buttons to find a good match. I added them to both sleeves and its a big time upgrade.

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