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Hoot! Hoot! Owl Purse Takes Flight

February 12, 2008

Behold the owl purse! I bought this thing at Wal-Mart because I saw the autumnal colors and the retro-looking owls and knew Katie (from Subtropical Paradise) would dig it. Problem — like many a cheap Wal-Mart item, the cheapness showed in the hardware. The handles were a bad, bad fake leather (wine/maroon colored at that) and they had way too much of the fake leather showing on the bag. So I bought it an updated it and I think it looks a lot better! Sewing handles onto a canvas purse takes a really serious needle, some thick thread and a couple of thimbles that you don’t mind using with vigor. I added some Tiger’s Eye stones on one side for accent. Above, the finished project is pictured among Katie’s prized rock collection, why you might ask? Because it rocks! (I know, I’m lame) And below, happy Katie models her new owl bag. Hoot! Hoot!

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